Copy Cat Anma

  Copy Cat Anma | News and Updates

News Update for Monday, February 24, 2003 - Updates, updates, updates!

More updates made. I scanned some (2) old pictures I haven't posted up before... they're in the gallery.

I also appologize for the horrible scanning jobs that the Copy Cat Anma has been producing. Our systems can only do so much! Hopefully, this will be fixed in the future. Thanks for putting up with us! ^_^;;

More updates for SURE will be made in the near future! (I've been getting more feedback from my fellow partners in crime >D) Keep comin' to check on the updates!


News for Thursday, February 20, 2003

Hello, It's me, your Ota-king from the grave! Greetings to all of our international fans out there.....and by the way........

Hallo alle von meinen Eingeborenen Deutsch aus dort! Ich habe mich selbst ein Kind des Deutschlands aber ich nie erhalten ist, dort zu leben. (Meine Mutter war Geboren in Trier, aber.) Sowieso heiße ich willkommen Sie alle zur Stelle. ...however... Beim Aufstellen Ihrer Web-Site URL.. mir einen Gefallen bitte: Wenn Ihr Stelle Enthalten qoute unqoute "Erwachsene" Materialien macht, stellt Bitte nicht sie auf. Es macht wirklich nicht zu mir aus, aber die Stelle Admin (Maruko von Mannschaft S. EINEM. D) scheint nicht, sie sehr viel zu mögen, und wird sehr an mir umstürzt gern. Deshalb, bitte macht es als ein Gefallen zu Ihrem Ota König, Dank im Voraus! for site updates, it'll be mostly pics for now...but personal info will hopefully be updated in the near future...or not..I dunno..Being dead and keeping watch over your daughter (Anma...well, duh!) keeps ya pretty busy. Oh well, until then, Ja-matta my Otaku bretheren! <(^o^<) <(^o^)> (>^o^)>

--Horoku (Brook)

News Update for Friday, February 14, 2003 - Happy Valentines Day!

It's a new Anma year!!! And so, I added up new pictures for Anma Year: 5. The disclaimer has been updated as well. And guess what! Anma is going to star a cameo in a video game! Check it out!

And so, stop by again sometime soon! Updates will be made! ^_^


News Update for Sunday, January 5, 2003 - Happy New Year!

Hey everyone!!!! New picture of Miaka Hikari, the Lady of the Shoujo located in the picture gallery.

Well, it's a new year; which means more new things to come... School starts on the 6th--So expect much more updates this following year! Until then!


News Update for Friday, January 3, 2003 - Message from Brook

Hayo! It's me, Horoku! back from the dead to tell you all out there that Team Anma will be re-inventing itself very soon! There's a couple new members, and some of the old ones...well, we have no idea were the heck they went!(kind of like my Escaflowne tape that had eps 1-8 on it....;(.. oh well ) Fortunatley, their characters will still be around! Anyhoo..Look for some updates to the site Really soon!..we'll finally have all our info up! Ja-matta my Otaku bretheren! Remeber that your "Ota-King: still watches you from the great beyond!...... <(^o^<) <(^o^)> (>^o^)>


Last Meeting: Saturday, December 21, 2002 I guess you could call it that

News Update for Saturday, December 26, 2002 - Fanart

Happy Holidays everyone! I finished a project that I hope everyone likes! It's the book cover of what I wish the first Copy Cat Anma issue to look like. It can be viewed in the manga section of the web page. (I was only able to scan the "front cover", for the rest of the piece is too big)

I have been recieving fanart from Nicolo, and another guest who has visited the website! Updates have been made, and I will make more in the near future!

Thanks for visiting; Happy Holidays again!


News Update for Saturday, November 24, 2002 - Guest Artist

Hello everyone!!! Thanks for visiting us! We now have reached 1,500 hits! We appreciate your visits! ^_^

A friend of mine at school (and an extraordinary artist), drew me this picture of Anma[!] located in the picture gallery, and also here:

Guest Artist: Nicolo

Isn't it pretty? ^_^ Thanks again Nicolo!

I also forgot to add other pictures from the past....... those are in the gallery as well... Thanks for comin', and hope to see ya again soon!

-- |2 0 C |< Y

News Update for Saturday, August 24, 2002 - Fix

I'm working on a new picture... won't give out info yet! I plan to make it look GOOD!
Now to the best part... I attend an arts school where I don't even DO art. I play the piano. Well, guess what! NOW I DON'T! The Visual Arts department has welcomed me in, and now, I attend an arts school where I actually DO art. Hopefully this will boost Anma to a higher level where I and other people *cough* could get some work done for once!
As for updates, I uploaded some newer pictures. Tripod has limited the ammount of space (GRRR -- if you had a web account for over 4 years and have SEEN the e-business go down, you will understand my anger), and SO, I will not upload as many sketches as I have planned. Older pictures from years 1 and 2 will be relocated, and the gallery (again) will be under a bit of construction. Sorry for the inconvenience (...again).
Well, School starts on September 5, so until then, I will try and get as much work done as possible. Thanks for stoppin' by!

-- |2 0 C |< Y

News for Sunday, July 28, 2002

Maybe this picture explains how I feel about the progress of Anma right now...

I guess this is the point where I stop now...

-- |2 0 C |< Y

News Update for Friday, March 15, 2002 - Sketches

As you might have noticed, yes, I made a colored logo for the main page. My first photoshop picture output! *applauds herself in the quiet auditorium... alone...*

I also posted up another "test" color copy of chase.jpg (in the old gallery). Enjoy, and hopefully more will be scanned/colored. Thank you.


News for Tuesday, February 13, 2002

Not much has been updated onto the site. Sorry for the inconvenience. I haven't been "inspired"... oh wait; I have; I just don't have the 'skills' needed anymore :\

BUT I'm planning to have a meeting-- or... at least get together so I could vaguely discuss Anma. It would be great to get rolling our ball again... Thanks, and come back sometime soon, I will try to keep you posted.


News Update for Saturday, December 8, 2001 - Sketches

I'm getting real serious with this "episode-1". I've got 2 sketches of what the front cover would look like. See it in the Picture Gallery. Alex is also working on another "envelope" picture for me. More will come soon. Thanks for visiting!


News Update for Wednesday, November 20, 2001 - re-scanned Manga

I re-scanned the Sockosai Manga. I also posted the Story I wrote. Enjoy!


News Update for Saturday, November 17, 2001 - Sockosai Manga scanned

I scanned the Sockosai Manga I was blabbing about and working on... I still am working on it; and if you notice when you see the third page, the 2nd to last pannel is all sketchy--I kinda never finished it, but I will; I put it up 'cause I wanted people to be put on a "cliffhanger to see what happens next"!

I also scanned more pictures that I never put up long ago, so you could check that out in the picture gallery as well. Thanks for coming, and have a good night!


News Update for Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - New Pictures Added

Alex, and Dianne have been very helpful to me lately! Alex recently finished the main image of our site! Dianne has finished yet another Team SAD picture! Yay!

Thanks a bunch you two!!

[Click Here to see Dianne's Team SAD picture; Click Here to see the Picture Gallery]

As for the "manga" itself, I have another page done from the Sockosai catch... I will post it up when I am done with it! As for the Team SAD sketch, I will post that up when I am done typing the story out (I haven't recieved my grade/story back yet)!
Thanks for listening, and I will send you yet another newsletter if needed. Thank you again guys!


News for Saturday, 10, 2001

Yay! In English class we got vocabulary words that we had to use in a story. . . Just guess what I did! Yes, I made a "preview" story/script for Anma! *hurrahs* Well, I just wanted to say that, and good night!


News Update for Saturday, November 3, 2001 - Story section put up...

I wasn't sure what to put up for the Story section, so I put up a little conversation, and some side notes about what the story is about. Well, I'm trying to work on the Sockosai thingie that's going on with Anma..... Once I get that done, I'll start scanning things in.... and then I want to work on the first episode...... Thanks guys... Meeting next week!


News for Sunday, October 21, 2001

I think I'll stop putting "updates" on the main part of the site.... :D Updates and News will solely be here .. I mean, yeah, it's what this page is for, right? Well, all I want to say is: I need your profiles now. I could put 'em up on the "About Us" section... and about the Contacts section; are you guys okay with that? I'd like to hear your comments, etc. Thanks!

-- Rocky

News for Friday, October 19, 2001

Well, I want to get James's character done because I want to actually start on something!? :*( OH, I wanted to say: I appreciate that you guys are actually checking out the site! I love you all! ^.^!!... Sorry, I'm being cheezy now... Well, not much news besides me getting a new sketchbook... (more sketches!), and Alex is full of ideas, we should have a meeting... (there goes a thought);; Well, I'll see you all later!

-- Rocky

News Update - Sunday, October 14, 2001 - Not much goin' on

Well, we had a small meeting, yes! All we did was kinda discuss wether James's character would be samurai looking or not... ('cause Tim's character kinda is?) ahh! We need ROMAN!!! Well, we'll probably have another meeting some other time... in the morning it will be, yes yes. Okay, I'll see ya all soon! Bye!

-- Rocky

News Update - Monday, October 8, 2001 - Title Here?

Yay! With DSL, I can now update the site even better than before! I am thinking of putting up a downloads section, but then I thought "wait, downloads for what?"... So maybe later. We're having a meeting this coming weekend! I will try to get as much information as I can! So,... just hang in there and I will try to work on something! I also got the skeleton of the About Us section completed. I'd like to have your information sent? *coughs* :D Thanks, and bye!

-- Rocky

News for Friday, October 5, 2001

I just finished updating the pictures part of the site! Reason I keep on updating this part: I keep on making new pictures... and Alex recently helped me with a really cool Anma picture! See here! (I drew it myself; Alex colored it)



Well, I'm going to try to work on the preview issue...-- AND AS FOR MEETINGS! I need ALL MEMBERS to attend! It will be held at Robert's House at 2:00pm. We will walk to Rossmore Park, and we will have the meeting there. Please, don't bring any video games. We just end up doing that instead of doing real work. :P

About Characters:

  • Tim's character needs discussing. Speaking of Tim, I am not sure if he's part of the group; I heard he's not considered a member anymore, (as Roxanne) I got some feedback on a character, but it doesn't seem to work with the story? I'll add him on the credits because he did help at one point.
  • Michelle has a character also, and it's getting me confuzed on how she's supposed to act. Or... in general, TEAM SAD!.
  • Is my brother going to have a character or what? If so, is he going to be a bad guy, or a good guy? -_-;;
  • Alex thought that Matt(a guy at school) could play a character also. Here's an analogy of how we see Matt-- Those 3 old guys who cuss and play cards : Spike Speigel     Matt's character : Anma Masakari
    That can work... as long as they don't really meet each other. Make sense? Also, Alex thought of this 'cause Matt fell in love with Anma not too long ago. ^_^*;;

We must finish characters soon!

I decided that I should NOT use back buttons for the site. It looks un-professional. Look at a corporate's page. Do you see back buttons? Plus, I've got a mini menu at the bottom of every page in the site. ^_^

Well, "with a pad and a pen and a big imagination", I could be coming up with lots of new ideas/pictures. I shall be leaving, and thanks for coming again!

-- Rocky

News Update - Friday, October 5, 2001 - More pictures

I will be working on the "preview" issue of Anma soon! I scanned more pictures (a newly colored Anma picture drawn by me and colored by Alex), and another sketch of Anma by Alex! Thank you man! ^.^ please visit the new pictures in the picture gallery. Thanks!

News Update - Monday, October 1, 2001 - Alex...

Alex is officially in the character section. I haven't finished him yet of course 'cause he hasn't come to a meeting yet! We will have a meeting soon, and I hope Roman could get me those scripts... (I thought he was supposed to send me some of it at least?) Well, you have a nice day; don't forget to feed your pets.


News Update - Wednesday, September 26, 2001 - Update.... again

Yay, I added Alex's character's pictures to the picture gallery! (that's a lot of "'s"!) I will add more of Sokosai's pictures later; I've got 2 new Anma pictures I'm working on, and they will be good! I swear they will! I also got Adobe Photoshop 5.0, and pictures will be good! Thanks to all of you for checking with me, and I will see you on the flip side!

-- Rocky

News for Sunday, September 23, 2001

I need to know if this site is "user friendly". Do I need to add "back" buttons places? Do I need to make a rotation with the images? I need help. Dianne's willing to give me advice. *coughs a bit loud* Maybe Michelle my dear cousin can help me? Or what about James! He knows HTML! Well, I've got homework to do, and the site will be fixed a little later... Enjoy!

-- Rocky

News Update - Friday, September 21, 2001 - I should've practiced piano!

Don't worry, I still can. :D
I just updated the picture gallery! I still have to work out the tiny kinks of fixing the image sizes of the old ones, so please be patient! I also have to put those pictures to the correct places on every characters's profile page! *Oi* I've got a lot of work to do. I haven't drawn anything new yet, but I will, and I hope it'll be good! Thanks for visiting, and please keep coming for some updates!

-- Rocky

News for Wednesday, September 19, 2001

Well, this past week has gone by really slowly. The tragic events that have gone by has struck all of us deeply. The last meeting was not a disaster, but what I would consider chaos in a different sense... I won't reveal the details; only the people who have attended know what happened. Business was done, but not as much as I was hoping for. We may not have another meeting for a while, so I hope all of you could focus on homework for a while, and hopefully have fun while doing so... I'm planning not to have a meeting until around the time of November. After that, maybe one more, and then not until Roman gets back. The only things left that needs to be discussed:

  • Joshua's character

  • Michelle's "brother" problem

  • The REST of the story for people who don't know/don't know it all

  • The site...

Other than that, it's not much, and I'm sure we could possibly get it done in one meeting if everyone's able to attend *coughs a bit*.

Oh yes. Since no one is able to keep in good contact with Roxanne, we have decided to drop her from the Team; reason being:

  • We hardly know her...

  • She already got her character outfit pretty much done

  • We already know how Lady of the Shoujo will act

  • She'll be in the credits

^_^ That pretty much sums it up, ne? Well, just check out the picture gallery. I've got tons of things done... *FINALLY!*. Enjoy, and have a wonderful day...

-- Rocky

News Update - Monday, September 15, 2001 - Chaos

The last meeting didn't go too well as some of you know, although, we did get some business down at hand. Roman's character is now going to be known as "The Guardian of Technology". Not the "mecha guardian", or something weird like that. Also, this Saturday another "meeting" will take place, but just to discuss Alex's character... that's all - - besides the meeting business, I've got some new pictures in the picture gallery. Alex drew some sketches of his character, and Michelle drew me some more of hers! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a Great Day! :)

-- Rocky

News Update - Monday, September 10, 2001 - New member!

Well, the last meeting we had (James, Robert, and I), had a couple of guests! I haven't seen Jonathan and Nick in a long time. . . I told them what I knew about the story, and now Jonathan wants to help with it! *yay!* So hopefully Anma will be done faster! *coughs* And without Roman *coughs*. . . I need those SCRIPTS! Thank you, and have a Nice Day! :)

-- Rocky

News for Saturday, September 1, 2001

As Dianne would say, "WAHH!!" -- Hello everyone! I've got to make this quick... The next thing I really would like to finish is the image gallery. Even though some of those pictures are old *coughs* and they don't look too good *cough*, I will put them up as thumbnails anyway. I also have to work on some new pictures... and I'd like Alex to color them! *maybe even water color.... OoOo...* Oh... and there's so many characters... I would like to cut down, but I don't want to make anyone mad.. so I'd like to appologize to the viewers out there who are getting confuzled... And I'm thinking I should assign some of you a job... I really need help. Dianne might be the guestbook guide... And I'm html person so far... James, you know html, maybe you could help me make sure the layout of this site is good so far. I know some pages are screwed up, but I'm trying to make sure it's all right in the end. Well, I'll end this now, and you all have a good night!

-- Rocky

I want to thank you all for tolerating me so far with all this Anma business. I'd really like to get as much done as possible.. like I said before, I'm having fun, and I'm glad you guys are here to help out with the story. Love you all! Bye again!

News for Thursday, August 30, 2001

I recieved an e-mail from Roman with the following:
----- Original Message -----
From: Roman
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 10:34 AM
Subject: Bad News!! Argh! Forward to others! computer just had a code-red meltdown. The hard drive is completely corrupted, and we have no way of fixing it. Of course it had to happen to the computer that my in-progress scripts were on. This will be a setback. Sorry all.

On the positive side, I got accepted to a private school finally! When I'm there I'll have more time to work on the script as a pet project. ^_^ I leave September 1st.

Yay, Roman got into a private school!--But the scripts... Yes, this means that Copy Cat Anma will be held back possibly for a year. That means, next year we will more than likely NOT be at Animé Expo. Sorry guys, I guess we will just have to wait.

Also, Dianne did a great job on a picture of Anma! See here:

Anma's BLONE!
I fixed it by putting a black background. See here:
Black background

On the bright side, things are getting done! And you guys never thought it could happen... *laughs to herself* Okay, I'll see you when we have a meeting!

-- Rocky

Last Meeting: Saturday, October 13, 2001 (mini meeting)

News Update - Thursday, August 16, 2001 - Official Site!

Welcome to the official Copy Cat Anma Site! You will find pictures, information about characters, the team, and updates of the status of the Copy Cat Anma story. In the future we hope to make this manga a big success! This site is under heavy construction, and major updates will be made as soon as meetings take place. Thanks for visiting, and stop by again soon!

- Anma Team

News Update - Friday, October 19, 2001 - Not much again

Sorry I don't have much to say... just check the News and Updates part of the site. Have fun!

-- Rocky

News Update - Sunday, October 14, 2001 - Not much goin' on

Well, we had a small meeting, yes! All we did was kinda discuss wether James's character would be samurai looking or not... ('cause Tim's character kinda is?) ahh! We need ROMAN!!! Well, we'll probably have another meeting some other time... in the morning it will be, yes yes. Okay, I'll see ya all soon! Bye!

-- Rocky

News Update - Monday, October 8, 2001 - Title Here?

Yay! With DSL, I can now update the site even better than before! I am thinking of putting up a downloads section, but then I thought "wait, downloads for what?"... So maybe later. We're having a meeting this coming weekend! I will try to get as much information as I can! So,... just hang in there and I will try to work on something! I also got the skeleton of the About Us section completed. I'd like to have your information sent? *coughs* :D Thanks, and bye!

-- Rocky

News Update - Friday, October 5, 2001 - More pictures

I will be working on the "preview" issue of Anma soon! I scanned more pictures (a newly colored Anma picture drawn by me and colored by Alex), and another sketch of Anma by Alex! Thank you man! ^.^ please visit the new pictures in the picture gallery. Thanks!

-- Rocky

News Update - Monday, October 1, 2001 - Alex...

Alex is officially in the character section. I haven't finished him yet of course 'cause he hasn't come to a meeting yet! We will have a meeting soon, and I hope Roman could get me those scripts... (I thought he was supposed to send me some of it at least?) Well, you have a nice day; don't forget to feed your pets.


News Update - Wednesday, September 26, 2001 - Update.... again

Yay, I added Alex's character's pictures to the picture gallery! (that's a lot of "'s"!) I will add more of Sokosai's pictures later; I've got 2 new Anma pictures I'm working on, and they will be good! I swear they will! I also got Adobe Photoshop 5.0, and pictures will be good! Thanks to all of you for checking with me, and I will see you on the flip side!

-- Rocky

News Update - Friday, September 21, 2001 - I should've practiced piano!

Don't worry, I still can. :D
I just updated the picture gallery! I still have to work out the tiny kinks of fixing the image sizes of the old ones, so please be patient! I also have to put those pictures to the correct places on every characters's profile page! *Oi* I've got a lot of work to do. I haven't drawn anything new yet, but I will, and I hope it'll be good! Thanks for visiting, and please keep coming for some updates!

-- Rocky

News Update - Monday, September 15, 2001 - Chaos

The last meeting didn't go too well as some of you know, although, we did get some business down at hand. Roman's character is now going to be known as "The Guardian of Technology". Not the "mecha guardian", or something weird like that. Also, this Saturday another "meeting" will take place, but just to discuss Alex's character... that's all - - besides the meeting business, I've got some new pictures in the picture gallery. Alex drew some sketches of his character, and Michelle drew me some more of hers! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a Great Day! :)

-- Rocky

News Update - Monday, September 10, 2001 - New member!

Well, the last meeting we had (James, Robert, and I), had a couple of guests! I haven't seen Jonathan and Nick in a long time. . . I told them what I knew about the story, and now Jonathan wants to help with it! *yay!* So hopefully Anma will be done faster! *coughs* And without Roman *coughs*. . . I need those SCRIPTS! Thank you, and have a Nice Day! :)

-- Rocky

News Update - Thursday, August 30, 2001 - Bad news

As some of you might already know, we've got problems with the script. I also made a new site dedicated to News and Updates. Click here for the latest news and updates. Thanks for coming!

-- Rocky

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Brought to you by the Copy Cat Anma Team